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Transparent Music Teacher - cliquez pour agrandir l'image
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Titre Transparent Music Teacher
Référence article 97883612
Sous-catégorie Harmonie et enseignement de la musique
Langue du texte Anglais {en}
Pays de publication Autriche (at)
Editeur * Les champs signalés par un astérisque (*) ne sont accessibles qu'aux membres de l'association après ouverture d'une sessioncliquer ici
Auteur Sattlecker, Bruno
Informations complémentaires/contenu The Transparent Music Teacher by the Evolution Team company is recommended as an aid for visually comprehending and understanding musical relationships and terms like scales and intervals, the most important types of chords, etc. According to the manufacturer the tool is supposed to present the musical relationships with ease, recognizably and viewably, and employing an easy-to-understand method also help the user to be able to play better.

The product is designed so that the corresponding intervals (difference between two pitches) can be clearly recognized by the eye with the aid of the illustrated grid system and colors. The scales and chords are shown on the front of the "Vertical Slider”. The piano keyboard is depicted on the horizontal slider. The note names and musical notation in G or treble clef, as well as in the F clef, the bass and accompaniment notes, are also viewable in addition to the corresponding keys.

The "Vertical and Horizontal Sliders” are held together in the "Holder” and are moved together on the grid system.

The Transparent Music Teacher tends to appeal equally to music instructors and students or to musicians who want to enhance their understanding of the musical relationships.
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